由Jo Geum-Hwan,韓東浩導演執導的《家庭主婦的經銷商》,自2020年上映以來獲得不錯的口碑,是由蔡塵賀等主演的一部不錯的韓語韓國倫理。
A beautiful Chinese woman visits a quiet rural village. She will get married to Gil-soo, a divorced man she met at the church. Her outstanding appearance and yuankan.cc impeccable charms make Gil-soo rather uneasy, and suspicions that her Chinese wife will have something that is going to snowball. It leads to an uncontrollable obsession. The only thing allowed to Ran-ran, who w...韓劇網(www.yoosf.net)為您提供《家庭主婦的經銷商》相關演員、導演、劇情簡介、在線播放地址等信息,為您觀看家庭主婦的經銷商提供最有價值的影音參考!